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Give Voice To Your Love

In 1990 a TV documentary on the US Civil War attracted huge audiences. One program featured a letter by a soldier killed at the battle of Bull Run. Sullivan Ballou realized the peril he faced in the looming clash, so he wrote a poignant letter to his wife. In part he said, “If I do not return, my dear Sarah, never forget how much I loved you, nor that when my last breath escapes me on the battlefield, it will whisper your name.”

The Legacy

Her writing career spanned three decades, from the mid-1960s through the mid-1990s. She wrote 12 books and received 16 honorary doctorate degrees. But 3 years before she died of cancer in 1996, popular humorist Erma Bombeck told an ABC TV interviewer that no matter how many columns she had written, her legacy would be her three children. “If I did a bad job with them,” she said, “then everything else [I] do isn’t very important.”

Fine Crystal

I have a friend—call her "Mary"—who tells me that her fondest memory is of the morning she broke her mother's "priceless" crystal.

Listen To The Children

The religious leaders were wrong about Jesus as He rode into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:15-16). They couldn't have been more off-base if they had tried. True, they knew a lot of theology, but they were dead wrong about who Jesus was.

They're After Our Children

Advertisers are after our young people. They are increasingly targeting their messages to children. Because of the strong influence they have on the purchasing habits of their parents, and because they have an increasing buying power of their own, millions of dollars are being spent to get their attention. People in the advertising business are convinced that a young, satisfied consumer could become a lifelong customer—eager to buy their products far into the future.

A Sermon From Nature

I'll never forget seeing a mother wren angrily dive at my father when I was a boy. He had placed a number of wren houses around the yard and was always happy when his tenants returned each year to raise their families. One of his birdhouses was made with a hinged cover so that Dad could lift the top and look into the nest.

Our Children Are Watching

It can be disturbing to realize that our children often mirror the way we speak and act. I remember being concerned about the way my son angrily lashed out at his sister when she was annoying him. My wife gently pointed out to me that his behavior was a reflection of mine.

Special But Not Spoiled

Family counselor John Rosemond asks, "Is your child special . . . the most exceptional person in the world?" He answers, "Of course—to you!"